1) Makes You Stronger
The isometric contractions that make up the bulk of a Barre class occur when the muscle tenses without changing length. With one-inch movements you can hold a posture and benefit from continuously engaging the muscle. You also experience a mini-recovery with each pulse, allowing you to stay in the hold longer.

2) Targets Multiple Muscle Groups at Once
This is a highly efficient workout since you’re doing two to four movements—holding, pulsing, stretching—at a time in each move. Working all these areas helps you to raise the heart rate.

3) Improves Mind and Body Concentration
Barre can improve muscular activation for frequently underused muscles by strengthening the neuromuscular (mind-body) connection.

4) Increases Endurance
The constant strength training also helps to increase your heart rate and endurance.

5) It’s Fun and Upbeat
Because it’s incorporated with dance and music, Barre is a fun and exciting way to workout.

6) Weight Loss
The barre targets the largest muscle groups in the body (like the thighs and glutes). As you continue, you will begin to build more lean muscle mass and raise your metabolic rate, which can help you produce more energy and burn more calories.

7) Core Strength
You engage your core the entire time. A strong core can increase your performance in all other activities in your life, whether you’re playing tennis or carrying your children.

8) Reduces Cellulite
Aerobic activity is a key factor in getting rid of cellulite! Barre exercises are fat blasting. They focus on the lower body and they are designed to help you drop pounds.

9) Improves Flexibility
Ballet stretches are a key element of the class, so the muscles are elongated, bulk is reduced and balance and alignment are achieved.

10) Increases Bone Health
The more you practise Barre, the stronger your muscles become. The constant tension and resistance placed on the muscles has an effect on bones that makes them stronger, which can help prevent osteoporosis.