Physio-Led Prenatal & Postnatal Exercise
Coming Tuesday, 5 MARCH 2024, MAGILL RD ONLY
Move to empower yourself: pregnancy and beyond
Our epic educational perinatal Pilates workouts are a collab with Glide Clinical Pilates Physiotherapist Ellie Parnell. She’s also one of our senior Aleenta group class instructors and a most gorgeous soul (we’re blessed and biased – you’ll understand when you meet her).
A blend of Mat and Reformer Pilates, these combined prenatal-postnatal sessions are capped at 8 people, with individual client needs managed accordingly, designed to elevate your understanding of moving your body in the best way for you.
The game is to feel at home in your own skin, and strengthen your body with enhanced confidence, as you ride the waves of perinatal life.

Are physio-led Pilates classes for me?
Physio-led classes are your jam if you:
- Are pregnant (all trimesters) or have birthed in the past year. If your baby is a bit older and you think you’d benefit from these sessions, feel free to get in touch hello@aleenta.club for a chat with our beautiful humans
- Have pelvic health issues, eg. sacro-iliac joint pain, achy pelvic, pubic symphysis issues, prolapse (bladder, bowel, uterus), incontinence, pre-existing injuries or health conditions that require ongoing management
- Are unsure about your ability to modify exercises in a regular group class setting
- Haven’t exercised in a long time and need direction
- Want firm movement foundations you can build on to progress your physical ability
- Have prenatal health conditions (or discomfort) that require close management
- Are working through a complex postnatal recovery (physically, emotionally or psychologically)
- Would like to feel cocooned in a space just for prenatal and postnatal people
- Feel most comfy with the guidance and enhanced personalised support of a physio
- Are interested in prenatal and postnatal physiological education

How intense are these classes?
Your physio Ellie is extremely skilful at layering Pilates movements to help you dial up or down the burn, depending on your strength and ever-changing comfort levels. Our priority is to help you decompress and replenish your energy!
PELVIC FLOOR 4EVA (and other priorities)
Your physio-led Pilates has a whole section just on understanding how to contract and relax your amazing pelvic floor. “The evidence is that supervised pelvic floor exercise gets the best results,” says Ellie.
You got all the motivation in the world to squeeze (hehe) this into your daily routine – a healthy pelvic floor improves your chances of a low-intervention birth** and smooth postnatal musculoskeletal recovery, and reduces the risk of pre-and-postnatal pelvic pain, postnatal prolapse, and incontinence.
You’ll also focus on how your breathing connects different parts of your body together, controlled movement, and maintenance of your abdominal core as appropriate for your body at the time.
**Let’s clarify real quick: you’re welcome and safe here regardless of your healthcare preferences and birth choices. You do you!

Getting Started
1. Book your 1:1 Consult with Ellie (this is optional, but a requirement if you wish to claim your classes on Private Health.
2. Buy your Pass(es). See below!
3. Get booked into class.
4. Grab your Grippy Socks! These are mandatory for health and safety reasons, and we thank you for your cooperation. If you forget, you can purchase some at the studio.
5. Prenatal / postnatal medical clearance (postpartum – you can get this at your 6 week check-up; prenatal – ask your doctor, midwife or physio)

You can claim!
If you have a private health fund, you may be eligible to claim physio-led Pilates rebates. You’ll first need to contact Ellie to book a private 30 minute pre-exercise physio assessment (it’s the rules), which also may be covered (to a degree) if you have extras. Aleenta Club Subscription holders (Ultimate, 3/Week & 2/Week) members get a 10% discount on the initial assessment, too.
The claim code for these classes is 561, if you want to check your cover to find out if your insurer will pony-up.
If you don’t have private health, we’d still encourage you to book in with a physio to check out your present pelvic floor and abdominal muscle strength. And you can absolutely come to these classes regardless of whether you intend to claim. Get in touch with us if you have any questions – hello@aleenta.club

“Change happens through movement, and movement heals.”
– Joseph Pilates