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Making Your New Year's Resolutions Stick...

As we head into the New Year, we thought their blog on ‘Making your New Year Resolutions Stick’ particularly appropriate….take a read... 

"Why New Year's Resolutions Rarely Work and How to Make Sure that They Do"

Lots of us have had the same New Year’s resolution for as long as we can remember. Losing weight, quitting cigarettes, drinking less alcohol, spending more time with family or friends and being nicer to yourself are probably ringing a couple of Jingle Bells for you. These are also among the resolutions that are most commonly broken.

You probably know that the reason traditional approaches to making changes don’t work for long is that they do not address the complicated underlying reasons that people behave the way they do. 

Mark Twain said “I don’t know why people say it’s so hard to quit smoking. I’ve done it hundreds of times myself!”

The idea that you can change is empowering, but it’s sustaining the change that matters.

Consider using a different approach to change. The New Year is a wonderful time to think about lifestyle change, but consider a totally different approach this year for the important ones that you want to sustain. Sure, make a list of things that you want to achieve, prioritise them and then allow yourself time to build a strong foundation rather than trying to achieve change immediately and setting yourself up for failure.

With failure comes a sense of disheartenment, leaving you less confident about achieving your goals next time.

Set a few frivolous NYRs that you are going to achieve immediately such as “This year I will walk wherever I am walking, without staring at, using, or listening to my phone”.

Or “Talk to telemarketers with a robot voice”.

Remember that if you’re serious about making a permanent change, Kinesiology can help to identify and clear underlying reasons that are preventing your New Years Resolutions from sticking.

Quitting cigarettes is a bit different because it is linked to your survival mechanism. In this case, hypnotherapy has been proven to be the most effective way of allowing you to keep this important New Years Resolution for many years to come. Keren can help you to make sure that this years resolutions last forever.

Holistic Health particularly specialise in helping you to:

  • QUIT Smoking

  • Relive muscular restricted range of motion

  • manage chronic illness

  • Manage or overcome stress, anxiety or depression

  • Relationship issues

  • Coping with Change

To learn more, or if you need help making long-term lifesyle changes, contact Keren or Ciara via phone or email. 

Keren: 0409 706727 or      
Ciara: 0403 566886 or

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